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Pro Loco Santa Flavia Palermo Sicilia

Pro Loco Santa Flavia

The Pro Santa Flavia Tourist Association was established in 2002 and is a non-profit public interest association aimed at the promotion and protection of the city of Santa Flavia at 360 °. The same considers it essential to provide the Italian and foreign tourists, an integrated offer in which the tourist, cultural, naturalistic, historical, social and eno-gastronomic aspects blend together every day.
This objective is pursued by creating a constant relationship of proactive collaboration with the Municipality of Santa Flavia and the Sicilian Region, without neglecting the establishment and maintenance of a fruitful dialogue with all the other cultural, economic, social and tourist, public realities. or private, operating on the whole regional territory.

Data sheet
Pro Loco Di Santa Flavia Tourist Association
Location Corso Filangeri, 72, 90017 Santa Flavia (PA)
Phone 3205511364
E-Mail proloco.santaflavia@libero.it
Website http://prolocosantaflavia.it/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/proloco.santaflavia/
Timetables On appointment
Note Tourist Excursions for the whole territory and in the archaeological area of ​​Solunto
Rated 4.5 out of 5
4.5 out of 5 stars (based on 2 reviews)
Very good50%